@Kanazawa University: Japan Training Summer Program toward SDGs

@Kanazawa University: Japan Training Summer Program toward SDGs

About the course
This program is focused on UNESCO Designated Sites, mainly Biosphere Reserves which
are internationally highly evaluated areas with the aim to conserve rich ecosystem and
biodiversity, and achieve sustainable development in terms of culture, economy and
society. Intergenerational dialog will be provided through inside Japanese UNESCO
Biosphere Reserves, and other protected areas, and all participants will learn about the
co-exitance between nature and people and development of eco-entrepreneurship

Course content
Number of students: 65 students (50 from Overseas partner universities, 15 from JU-MAB)

Eligible student
・Students from Overseas partner universities
・Students from Japan Inter University Network for MAB Programme
(JU-MAB) member universities (Tsukuba, Yokohama National, Kyoto,
Ehime, Miyazaki, and Kanazawa Universities)

Language:English(Japanese skills not required)

Course fee :
All students will be provided with the JASSO Scholarship 60.000 YEN (approx. 470 USD) to
cover their accommodations for 2 weeks stay in Japan. However, the amount of Scholarship is
limited by the country and students number. Kanazawa University will consider eligibility for the
Scholarship after submitting the applications. All other program fees will be covered by
Kanazawa University.

Airfare, Visa application fee, Transportation fee from/to airport in Japan to Kanazawa, The
Hotel expenses near airport in Japan (if need), COVID-19 related PCR test or quarantine
expenses (if needed) and meal expense, must be covered by the participants.

Submit application form by June 10th(Fri)
Apply on google link form: https://forms.gle/xgT6DHjQvMwqcTDj6